

of those 65+ fall each year

This site will help provide strengthening and balance training routines to help reduce your risk for falls.


of older adults are physically inactive

CDC recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate level physical activity each week (30 minutes 5 days a week).


Reduction In Fall Risk

For those participating in strength and balance training with most benefit seen in in those > 80 years and having a fall within the last year.

Area of Focus

These areas are the focus of this site and the most important aspects of remaining independent and flourishing in the later years. You will have all the resources you will ever need and more.


Strength and Balance Training Routines

You will know what muscle groups are most important and beneficial to focus on to reduce your risk for falls.


Information for Caregivers

You are a big part in helping another navigate the aging process. This site is for you as well.


Personal Growth

Learn ways to get the most out of your days. It is never to late to grow and keep learning


Home Setup Ideas

Learn how to best set up your home to maximize independence and reduce fall risk.


Equipment Reviews

Periodic reviews of common equipment pieces and my recommendations on their use.


Fall Risk Management

Learn holistic strategies that research has provided to lower your risk for falls.

Who We Serve

The collection of resources in this site helps to serve three important groups.

The Aging Person

This person is the center of the information I provide. They are the reason I do what I do.

The Family Member/The Friend/The Caregiver

Providing help to a loved one is not always easy but can be very rewarding. A lot of what I write will go over ways to best provide this help.

The Healthcare Provider

Do you know ways to help your patients improve their balance, strength and stamina to maximize their independence? Learn the most up to date protocols here.